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Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

IBS  Campus & Headquarters are located in Agua Grande, the Capital of the island of São Tomé - Africa and Switzerland.

An International Business School based in Africa, with European technology and Pedagogy, adapted to the pan-african and global reality.

Our Technology is based in Europe, which allows us to obtain global operability. We are Global - online.


Our institution provides you hybrid or online programs.

IBS is a member of FEDE, number 1524 - Federation for Education in Europe

See our bachelor and Master Programs here:

Nos licences et masters européens, FD, MBSA & DBA sont délivrés par la FEDE


La FEDE (Fédération Européenne des Ecoles) est une organisation internationale non gouvernementale (OING) dont les diplômes s'appuient sur des formations professionnelles et des spécialités variées qui confèrent des grades académiques répondant aux besoins des recruteurs et aux exigences des entreprises. Ces formations donnent lieu à l'attribution de crédits ECTS dont la dimension européenne est un atout important pour l'insertion des diplômés de la FEDE dans la vie active ou la poursuite d'études par le biais d'équivalences internationales.

Our European FDs, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, MBAs and DBAs are awarded by FEDE


FEDE (Fédération Européenne des Ecoles) is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) whose diplomas are based on vocational training and various specialties that confer academic degrees that meet the needs of recruiters and the requirements of companies. These courses lead to the award of ECTS credits, the European dimension of which is an important advantage for the integration of FEDE graduates into working life or further study through international equivalences.

Very Important:

For STP Students - Pour les étudiants en STP - Para os estudantes em STP (face-to-face hybrid format, format présentiel/hybride, Formato presencial/híbrido):

You can have access to a new laptop, amortized in your tuition fees over the 3 years of the Bachelor's Degree or 2 years of the Master's Degree, through a payment plan together with your study contract. It will be completely yours at the end of the course and you can use it throughout the year. Does not include damage or damage, accident, theft or repair insurance.


Vous pouvez avoir accès à un ordinateur portable neuf, amorti dans vos frais de scolarité sur les 3 années de Bachelor ou 2 années de Master, via un plan de paiement joint à votre contrat d'études. Il vous appartiendra entièrement à la fin du cours et vous pourrez l'utiliser tout au long de l'année. N'inclut pas l'assurance dommages ou dommages, accident, vol ou réparation.


Poderá ter acesso a um computador portátil novo, amortizado nas suas propinas ao longo dos 3 anos de Bacharelato ou 2 anos de Mestrado, mediante um plano de pagamentos juntamente com o seu contrato de estudos. Ele será totalmente seu no final do curso e poderá usá-lo ao longo de todo o ano. Não inclui seguro de danos ou estrago, acidente, roubo ou reparação.

Jogando bonés
Graduados Segurar Diplomas
Alunos graduados

(2 Years - 120 ECTS Credits)

(3rd Year - 60 ECTS Credits)

(2 Years - 120 ECTS Credits)

Geneva, or at  Agua Grande, São Tomé, República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe

Academia Lookatmepro Unipessoal, Lda.,


Bairro Quinta Santo António, Água Grande, São Tomé

Escritório em Rua de Angola, 1º Andar

Nº Fiscal 517 933 759 – Tel./WhatsApp: +239 988 97 97

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