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The FEDE European diploma is Swiss and governed by Private Law.

Le diplôme européen de la FEDE est Suisse et de Droit Privé.

O diploma europeu da FEDE é Suíço, Europeu e regido pelo Direito Privado.

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Invest in global, smart and higher education.

We have French &/or Anglo-Saxon EU FEDE Programs.


We are a Suisse and São Tomé and Principe-based online and hybrid International Business School that specializes in 4.0 Education.

Nous sommes une école de commerce internationale online et hybride basée en Suisse et à São Tomé et Principe, spécialisée dans l'éducation 4.0.

Somos uma Escola Internacional de Negócios online e híbrida, sediada na Suíça e em São Tomé e Príncipe, especializada em Educação 4.0

Somos una Escuela Internacional de Negocios online e híbrida, con sede en Suiza y Santo Tomé y Príncipe, especializada en Educación 4.0. 

Siamo una scuola internazionale di business online e ibrida, con sede in Svizzera e a São Tomé e Príncipe, specializzata nell'istruzione 4.0.

Wir sind eine hybride internationale Business School mit Sitz in der Schweiz und São Tomé und Príncipe, die sich auf Bildung 4.0 spezialisiert hat.

Мы являемся смешанной международной бизнес-школой, расположенной в Швейцарии и Сан-Томе и Принсипи и специализирующейся на образовании 4.0.


From Africa to the World

From the World To Africa


We are Global

We are European Member of

FEDE - Federation for European Education from Switzerland and EU  

#IBS-futureducation is an International Online and Hybrid Business School inside of the Academia Lookatmepro in the island of São Tome and Principe and in Switzerland.

We create bridges and network. Online, for example, African and students as also every nationality can now study with us in the continent without having to travel and avoid a lot of expenses. With your Diploma you can work globally. Also any other nationality since Switzerland is international. You can also chose to come to STP or Switzerland to study.

IBS is a private school and doesn't provide Swiss State Diplomas, but provides you EU FEDE Quality Programs with 60 ECTS credits per year.

Our diplomas are recognized by the FEDE EU, through two indisputable conventions: the Bologna Convention for the Common ECTS Credit System and the International Convention of the Hague Apostille of Private International Law, for the recognition of signatures. See  link:

Our FEDE Programs gives you 60 ECTS Credits per year, so you can recognize your Diploma.  You can convert your credits and have your diploma recognized, according to the Bologna Declaration, which has been in place since 1999 and is currently applied in around 49 countries. 

To measure student work, higher education institutions in Europe use a single European standard:


ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits, which guarantee the convergence of the different European higher education systems. Each credit is equivalent to about 25 hours of student work: teaching hours, study hours, assignments and internships.

The following countries are members of the Bologna Declaration: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (French and Flemish), Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Comission, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Holy Sea, Vatican, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom (also Scotland).

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Our institution is inclusive, we have no restriction with religion, nationality, sex and politics.


Geneva - CH

and in

Rua de Angola, 1 andar, Água Grande,

São Tomé,

Republica Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe

Thank You. Merci. Obrigado(a)!

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